Safeguarding, as a phrase, covers many things, but ultimately, it is all about keeping people safe and protecting their well-being.
We take the safeguarding of our learners seriously. An important part of our work at Stockport Continuing Adult Education Service is providing learners with the support and information they need to deal with situations that put their well-being at risk, whether that’s at one of our adult learning centres or in external environments.
To help keep our learners safe, SCES:
It has its own Safeguarding policy, which follows the Stockport Council Safeguarding Procedure.
Work closely with other departments within the Council and external organisations to support at-risk adults.
Ensures that all staff members are carefully recruited and trained and that Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is checked.
Makes specialist support staff and tutors available to provide support and signpost to all learners if required.
If you feel worried about your safety, don't hesitate to contact our Safeguarding team at
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council Safeguarding & Prevent Policies
Report suspected abuse or neglect
Prevent and Channel in Stockport
Our Safeguarding team
If, for example, you are concerned about issues such as abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, financial and verbal abuse, bullying or harassment, radicalisation or extremism, our Safeguarding team will support you and liaise with external agencies who can provide further help if needed.
Formal complaints procedure:
If the incident has occurred with another learner or member or staff and you would like to make a formal complaint, please speak to the Learner Service’s Manager or one of our Positive Progressions Coordinators.
Reporting to the police:
• Call Greater Manchester Police on 101
• Call 0800 138 1625, available 24 hours a day
• Text 07717 989 025 texts are charged at your standard network rate, available 24 hours a day • Report online to the police either anonymously or to have an officer contact you via the Stockport - Stop Hate UK page.
Other support available:
• Non-Emergency: 101
• Stockport Victim Support: 0161 200 1950 / 24hr Helpline: 0808 168 9111
• Stockport Probation: 0161 933 6100
• Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council:
If you’re at risk and in immediate danger, you should always call 999.